Lanterns are a wonderful addition for depth and light for night-time weddings. They can be used both indoors and out, and with a few adornments, are easily adapted to any season. They add warmth to photography, and to the atmosphere of your wedding... we just love them!
They can easily be made at home, with a bit of time and dedication-- the hardest part is finding the jars!
Consider purchasing a bulk package of canning jars, and filling them 1/4 full with a material that suits your color choice. Choose sand for browns, salt or sugar for whites, and add dye to suit any other color. Be sure to do some math, in order to make one large batch of lantern "filler" so that each lantern is the same shade. Consider making lantern filler in several different colors, in order to truly match your color scheme. Place one candle (or electric candle, if it's windy) in each jar, and viola! Easy!
Have an aisle to light up? Line it with lanterns. Consider placing a jar on each table as a center piece! Want to hang a few (or a lot)? Affix wire securely around the rim of the jar, and add a handle to the top, also made of wire. This project is so simple and the finished product is so clean and elegant!